New Features

KNX Data Secure
Doorbird door intercom and RTSP Cameras in Web-Visu
KNX Data Secure
- Send and receive encrypted telegrams
- Verify Individual Address of the sender
- Save current sequence counters in flash
- Convenient import of keys and Individual Address of allowed senders with ETS project import
- See manual for details
Doorbird Door Video intercoms
- Video and two-way communication in the web visualization
- Notifications and switching in visualization and KNX
- Switching of IR lighting and relays
- Configurable number of bell buttons
RTSP streams from IP cameras via EibPC in Web-Visu
MQTT Broker and Client
Ready-to-use Visu functions for selected Shelly devices

Our free programming environment for Windows, MacOS, and Linux
Graphical logic and visualization editors increase your productivity and reduce bugs
Import your ETS 5 projects
Text-based development optional
Manage visualization templates and program macros for multiple projects

Web-based visualization for almost any device instead of an incompatible app
Structured into groups and pages
Multiple predefined control elements
Different color schemes
Protect pages with user and password
Ready-to-use templates for Enertex® KNX SmartMeter, Enertex® KNX PowerSupply 960², Enertex® KNX PowerSupply 960³ and Enertex® KNX Dual PowerSupply 1280
Use the EibPC² to interface other devices, no need for multiple expensive and limited device-specific gateways
Modbus TCP Master and Slave
MQTT Client and Broker

Maximum performance and easy installation
ARM processor for industrial applications
512 MB DDR3L memory
Integrated KNX bus interface
Powered by KNX bus
Power consumption 1.8 Watts (typical workload)
Additional KNX IP interface for ETS
Display showing device parameters
Integrated Ethernet switch
DIN rail mount (4 SU)